The time has come…

It feels surreal. I’ve been anticipating this day for what feels like forever. We have finally arrived at the start of our IVF cycle. And now I’m nervous. And scared. And anxious. And stressed. But excited. And hopeful.

Tomorrow I start my stimulation medications which mean “shots, shots, shots…” I can’t help but sing the LMFAO Lil Jon song when I say this.

In all seriousness, I should be prepared; I’ve read all the material, watched all the videos, and even received a tutorial from the nurse today, but I can’t help feeling like I have a very important exam tomorrow and I can’t cram enough. What if I mix the medication wrong? What if I give the shots in the wrong location? What if I give myself too much or too little medication? What if I drop a vial and it shatters on the ground? What if I make myself crazy thinking about all the things that can go wrong?!

***Note…I’ve taken a minute to calm myself. I will skip the conversation that went through my head and just give you the conclusion, I’ve pulled myself together and realized I can do this. Many women before me have survived and so will I. I’m pretty persuasive when I talk to myself!

Now that you think I’m already crazy, the meds can’t possibly make it any worse, right?! With that being said I will post an update tomorrow…

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